Tips & Tools for db2 dba's & Developers. Making our db2 Data Warehouses easy to Administer and Control.
Tips & Tools for db2 dba's & Developers.Making our db2 Data Warehouses easy to Administer and Control.


Configuration metadata.

 Once connected to a database, DB2 general configuration files are retrieved from the menu Configuration. db2Gdba illustrates this information for the instance database manager configuration (dbm cfg) file, database configuration (db cfg) files, database node configuration file, and db2 environment parameters (db2set). Each of these system configurations are illustrated in their corresponding windows. The figure below is an example of a database configuration file.

Note that you can narrow down the displayed list by typing in the search box.





Global database objects' metadata.


The menu Global Objects show the metadata for Partition Groups, Buffer Pools, Containers, and Storage Groups.

 As an example, the figures below show the list of buffer pools, and all properties available, for one of the buffer pools in the list.

Buffer Pool List
Buffer Pool Properties
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