Tips & Tools for db2 dba's & Developers. Making our db2 Data Warehouses easy to Administer and Control.
Tips & Tools for db2 dba's & Developers.Making our db2 Data Warehouses easy to Administer and Control.


Part 3


This section describes the db2Gdba functionality. For tips on how to better use the application, and quickly retrieve useful information go to the tip session.


Note: Marked records or marked objects in this document refer to records in a grid with the check-box column checked. To check/uncheck records, click on the check box or press the space bar. Selected record or selected object refers to the one with the active focus.


Tab Users (Managing database users).

Using this tab you can easily manage user access to different database objects. They include authorizations to the database, tables, tablespaces, routines, schemas, sequences, indexes, modules, packages, WLM, and roles.

The example in the figure below shows the tables that the user user1 has authorization on. Clicking on another user, automatically illustrates the tables for that user.

There are again two ways to modify user authorizations. You can select a specific table and click Modify. This will pop up the window where you can change the type of privilege on that table. You can mark several tables, or all of them, and click Modify to change the privilege on all the marked tables at once.

The same applies for the different objects in different tabs within the tab Users.

Tab Routines:


Procedures. Displays the list of routines of type procedures in the database.


If you want to retrieve the list of procedures satisfying specific criteria, you can, as it was explained when retrieving tables, type something.something in the search box and click Refresh. db2gdba uses what is before the dot as procedure schema like criteria, and the rest as procedure name like criteria. More typing in the search box will result in even more filtering of the retrieved list (see figure below).

For the selected procedure in the grid you can see its dependent objects like tables, packages, etc. You also can Rebind and/or Revalidate the procedure by just clicking the corresponding button. Clicking Authorization shows the list of user/group/roles having privilege on the selected procedure.


If you mark multiple procedures, then you can modify privileges on all of them at once. The DDL of the procedure can be viewed/copied for one or multiple procedures. Clicking More opens a window with all the field values from the view syscat.procedures.


Functions: Same as procedures but it applies to objects of type functions. Clicking More opens a window with all the field values from the view syscat.functions.


Tab Packages:  Displays the list of packages in your database.


For the selected package you can see the statements this package wraps up, all its properties, and its dependents. You can manage the package authorizations as well.


Tab Indexes:  Displays the list of indexes in your database.


For the selected index you can see all the properties of the index, its dependent objects taken from view syscat.indexdep. You also can manage authorization for one or multiple indexes.


Tab Columns: Displays the list of retrieved columns for specific search criteria.


This interface is useful to quickly find columns sharing a common name, or to look up for tables with particular column. The columns retrieved show the table they belong too. Clicking More pops up all properties of the column in a separate window.


Tab Constraint: Displays all constraints existing in your database.


You can filter the results in the grid by choosing the specific constraint type you'd like to display. See figure below.


Tab Modules: Displays all modules existing in your database.


You can filter the results in the grid by choosing the specific criteria. Clicking More displays all the properties of the selected module. You also can manage authorization for one or multiple modules.


Tab Roles: Displays all defined roles.



More roles can be added from this tab. You can manage Authorization of one or multiple roles as well. See figure below.


Tab Sequences:  Displays all sequences and their properties.


Clicking More displays all properties of the sequence. From this latter window you can choose to modify some of the properties of the sequence clicking Modify. This provides a window like in the figure below. You also can get the DDL and manage authorization for one or multiple sequences.



Tab Schemas:  Displays the schemas defined in the database.


You can see the properties, and the list of owned objects by a selected schema in the grid. You can also manage their authorizations.


Tab WLM:


Tab Workloads:  Displays the defined workload in the database. Here you can see the workload properties, connection attributes, and you can manage workload authorizations.


Tab Work Classes:  Displays the work classes defined in the database and their properties.


Tab Work Actions:  Displays the work actions defined in the database and their properties.


<< Part 2

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